CC (DOC): A new(ish) Disciple’s understanding of a “new” normal

Jonathan and I just returned from our first ever General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). It is a gathering of clergy and laypeople from throughout the denomination for five days of learning, reflection, reunion, worship, and – of course – business. There were fewer people at this Assembly than ever before, and that was not lost on anyone.

One of the unintentionally remarkable things I heard at the Assembly was Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins, our General Minister and President, say about the lower attendance, “This is our new normal.”


But for me, it isn’t.

For me, this is just… “normal.”

Jonathan and I were both raised in other (much more conservative) denominations. For us, being members of the DOC was a decision we came to intentionally and with much thought, conversation, and prayer. We had gotten to a point at which we knew we could not faithfully stay in our previous traditions and found a home in the DOC that we had never felt anywhere else. We first began attending Disciples churches in 2008, became a member of a church in 2009, and Jon’s ordination was recognized by (transferred to) the DOC in 2010. I am a licensed minister in Kentucky while I complete my MDiv through Lexington Theological Seminary and work part-time at a local church.

I understand the grief and loss that long-time Disciples must be feeling, because I have felt it about other organizations and such in my own life. But for me, if I hadn’t been told – repeatedly – that we’re in decline, I wouldn’t have believed it. I would have guessed that there were only 3000 people at the last assembly and we’re growing! I would have felt the energy in the room and sensed a moving of the Spirit that is indicative of a group ready to soar.

I had to read a book for an introductory seminary class about the “shifting” culture that impacts the church. The book presented these areas: lack of trust in authority, lack of trust in institutional church, etc. – as shifts that are currently taking place. But for people my age, they are history. I have never known a civil religion. I have never known a world in which church attendance was culturally expected. I have never known a time when “spiritual but not religious” was not accepted as valid.

I feel the same about the Disciples. As a new-ish Disciple, this IS normal. It’s not a NEW normal. This is what I signed up for. When Jonathan and I made that intentional, deliberate decision to join the DOC, we knew it was in decline as were all mainline denominations. We knew there had been disagreeing factions – and we knew that’s okay. Sure, there’s a lot we have learned, discovered – and critiqued – about the denomination in the last few years, but for us, the Disciples of today are all we have ever known.

So allow me, a newish Disciple, tell you what I saw at General Assembly:

I experienced a group of people who care about and love the church. They are not committed to traditionalism but genuinely want to help people encounter the Divine.

I experienced a group of people who are open to new ideas and ways of doing ministry.

I experienced a group of people who do not draw hard boundary lines around who’s in and who’s out. This makes discussions messier than in other denominations, but its inclusivity is its strength.

And because of that, I experienced a group who is better poised than any group of Christians I know to meet the challenges of this and future generations.

I experienced a group of people who is able to laugh (#CampbellCon, anyone?), is heartbroken at injustice, and whose lives have been transformed by their experiences with and understanding of God.

I experienced a group who cares so much about this denomination that nearly four thousand people came from far and wide to be together. FOUR THOUSAND. That is not a small number.

I experienced a group diverse in race, gender, ethnicity, orientation, and age. Let me focus on that last one a bit: age. When I looked around that room at all the under-40 clergy in attendance, I do not see a denomination that is going away! While it might look differently in the coming decades than it does now, I’m already making plans for General Assembly 2051.

I get grieving. I get naming the loss in order to move on. It is a sign of a healthy group when loss and grief can be named and integrated, and I’m glad to be in a denomination that allows that emotional language.

But for me? I’ve found my tribe, and I’m committed. I’m committed to joining the conversations, I’m committed to serving the people in the church so that those people can go be the church in the world. I left General Assembly feeling hopeful, inspired, empowered, and encouraged. I left confident that joining the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

18 thoughts on “CC (DOC): A new(ish) Disciple’s understanding of a “new” normal

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  1. Sara this is beautiful and full of hope and optimism. I will share with all I can to spread that hope!

  2. Hi Sara — I am an older Disciple who has been attending assemblies since 1967 (which btw was in Columbus, Ohio) and I share both your excitement and your joy. From my perspective this assembly was one of the best!

  3. Sara, I’m excited to come across your blog! Thank you for your reflections. It’s refreshing. One thing I think you reveal is that Sharon Watkins seems to have the older long-term Disciples as her intended audience at the plenary sessions. I think this is often true in the smaller workshops too. It reflects the fact that we are a denomination *in transition* that is still looking back more than looking at the present and the future. There are many of us younger and newer Disciples who are “all in” and have intentionally (as you mention) chosen DOC because of its culture, one that is open, flexible, and that lends itself to creatively and faithfully transforming with the movement of the spirit wherever she might lead. May it be so!
    (FYI – we met at the DHM booth. I am happy I had the chance to talk to you and Jonathan – and as I mentioned, if you all ever find yourself in LA – please do be in touch. My email is a gmail address – “xalvizo” 🙂 )

  4. Sara thank you for your gracious words about the General Assembly. We need to hear the positive along with the critique. Your words remind us that we can and should live in hope of a bountiful future!

  5. Like you it was my first time at the General Assembly and I had a very similar experience. Very happy to be a member of such a wonderful community of inclusive followers of Christ.

  6. Thanks, Sara:)

    I was looking for some words to share with my congregation about the hope I felt at GA 2015. Your comments are very expressive and obviously heart-felt. I truly appreciate your sharing.


  7. hi Sara, I’ve been attending Assemblies since 1955. We called them conventions back then. Thanks for your statement. I too think we have a strong future in spite of the decline in numbers since the 50’s. I am 78 and still doing ministry. God will give us the wisdom we need to be the church in this ever changing world.

  8. As one that entered the Disciples in 1992 through Douglass, your words are well said and very thoughtful. Douglass will always have a special place in my heart and I also found my tribe/ my people in the Disciples.

  9. Thank you Sara! Well said! It is refreshing to read your insights. So glad you and your husband made the choices you did. God bless you both in your ministry.

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